Wednesday, January 28, 2015

This week in interior design we created blogs. Our job was to visit 3 of the top 100 design blogs and determine which ones most appealed to us. I think interior designers would like to have blogs to show people what their styles are.
The blog that most appealed to me is called 20+ beautiful modern staircases by the design milk blog. I especially like the look of the stairs that are attached to the wall so it looks like they are floating, I have seen this kind of style called space saving, but I like it because it looks cool.
The second blog that I liked is called LikeModern Blog. I like the overall look of everything modern, I think in this new age modern is the best choice (for me).
Lastly, my third favorite blog is called Living With White. This blog shows interior design where everything is white, and sometimes with a little splash of color. I like this because I think the conservative splashes of color are even more vibrant, have more meaning, and stand out even more when everything else is white.

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