Thursday, March 19, 2015


Triadic color scheme uses three different colors. In this olio board i used three different colors from the color wheel. The colors used in triadic complement eachother and go well together.

Split Complementary

        Split complementary
Split complementary is utilizing three colors on the color wheel in a specific triangular pattern, making a room or interior design look a specific way. It uses hues of those colors that go together. The effect it has on this room seems organic or original.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Monochromatic Color Scheme

Monochromatic Color Scheme

                The monochromatic color scheme uses different hues of the original color to make up the interior design. I created a mood board with a yellow/gold color scheme. The effect that the color scheme put on my mood board seems older and more rustic looking. The board has an open feel to it and is complemented by the background.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Color Text Questions

Color Text Questions:
1) Factors that influence peoples reactions influences the psychological impact color has on people, such as, age, gender, culture, and life experiences.
2) The feelings that associate with the color Red include power, danger, fire, strength, and passion. Green is the color of nature, and is mostly associated with refreshing, friendly, cool, and peaceful. Violet is a royal color and is dignified and dramatic. It works well with most other colors.
3) The secondary colors are orange, green, and violet. Orange is made using red and yellow. Green is a mixture of yellow and blue, and violet is red and blue.
4) Intermediate colors.
5) Intensity is the brightness or dullness of a hue of color, while value is the relative lightness or darkness of a hue (using black and white to make light or dark).
6) Tint is using white to achieve a lighter version of the color (red + white = pink), shade is the exact opposite of tint, using black to make a darker version of the original color. Tone is a softer version of the color.
7) By adding a neutral color to a hue, you can neutralize the hue.
8)Two warm colors are red and orange. Two cool colors are green and blue.
9)Complementary color harmony.
10)The color scheme influences the way color harmonies are used in planning an interior design.
11)Match with the color scheme and achieve color harmony, so that all of the colors of the interior room design look good together to create a certain feel.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Effects of Lines

Horizontal Lines:

I thought this olioboard displayed horizontal lines well. The couch is long and narrow and everything seems to follow in suit, making she room look a certain way. The feeling the lines give the room are comfortable and wide.

Vertical Lines:

                                      Artist Inspiration 2
This room has alot of vertical lines, the walls, curtains, and furniture. The effect of the vertical lines on this room seem to make it tall and narrow. The feeling of this room to me seems stubby and crowded, over use of vertical lines.

Diagonal Lines:

The way this room is viewed seems to depict alot of diagonal lines. The effect of the diagonal lines to me seems to make the room seem different. The feel of this room is spontaneous and relaxed, also, breezy.

Curved Lines:
                                        matrix bloodline
There are many curved lines in this olioboard, from the circular windows, to the table "legs". The effect of the curved lines on this room makes it seem modern and sleek. The feeling I get from this is comfortable and new-aged (modern).